EPK – English

Zan at Barachois ron maloya.

The artist : Zan AmémoutouLaop

Jean AmémoutouLaop is a musician born in 1976 in Melun (France). He learned to play drums with masters from his neighbourghood in La Source (Saint-Denis, Reunion Island).

In 1996 he was hired in Le Théâtre Vollard. He performed as an actor for several years.

Then in 2000s he became a background musician for Christine Salem, Nathalie Natiembé, Thierry Gauliris, Jako Maron…

Around 2007, Jean created a Maloya band named Roulèr Killer, gathering a few friends playing roulèr and kayamb*. This orchestra format was innovative.

He composed a few polyrythmics tracks that were played all around Reunion island.

At the same time, he became a demonstrator artist at L’APAJH (disabled person association), at Beauséjour, Sainte-Marie.

A modular performance

Music parade, concert, master class, sport meeting, ceremony, workshop, **Ron maloya creation, Roulèr killer is ready to fulfill your request.

*Roulèr : drum made with and old wood barrel, covered with an animal skin.
Kayamb : rectangular shacker made with sugar cane flower.

20 désanmb 2023 music parade, in Saint-Denis.

Ron maloya Baraswa

Jean was invited by the bar owner located nearby the pétanque field at Le Barachois, for his band training session. Then bit by bit the weekly training became an open cercle space for maloya player to improvise : a Ron Maloya.

This outdoor set gathers respectfully maloya players every thursday.

Musicians and dancers

Roulèr killer music makers have several skills and experience. There are able to lead in teaching music session.

RK at Vavang’Art 2024 © Photo credit : Jean-Marc Grenier

Performances types

Roulèr Killer
Roulèr killer

A 30 to 50 minutes polyrythmic maloya show.


Costumisabled workshops and advanced maloya courses.

Lo ron maloya Baraswa

An open playground for maloya players every thursday.